Emergency Dental Care in Orangeburg, NY

When you're in the middle of a dental emergency, trying to find a reliable provider for quick relief can be a stressful, painful situation. Unforeseen dental emergencies can result from sports mishaps, physical altercations, stumbling, or even merely chewing crunchy foods. At Dental Arts of Rockland, our team provides swift emergency oral health care in an attentive, comfortable setting. We commonly see to a range of pressing dental concerns among Orangeburg, NY patients, such as damaged fillings, toothaches, and dislodged or cracked teeth. Oral trauma won't necessarily result in pain right away; therefore, it's crucial to have your teeth looked at to ensure there's no lasting damage.

Every dental emergency is unique so the details of your treatment will vary according to your situation. During your visit, a member of our team will carefully evaluate your particular issue before making a diagnosis. Full-mouth x-rays may be conducted to examine the teeth for hidden injury, (for example, to the jawbone and roots of your teeth). With this information, we will start developing an emergency treatment plan. At Dental Arts of Rockland, our priority with emergency dental care is to quickly alleviate any pain and identify any damage. We aim to rehabilitate the function, appearance, and general health of your teeth as quickly as possible. Depending on how extensive your injury is, we may have to schedule follow-up treatments.

No one ever plans on having a dental emergency — but when quick care is needed, the team at Dental Arts of Rockland is ready to help with rapid diagnosis and treatment. Some of the key benefits of emergency dental care at our Orangeburg, NY practice include:

  • Safeguards your smile against future complications
  • Provides quick relief from tooth pain
  • Delivers peace of mind in times when prompt care is required
  • Allows our team to prevent or address dental infection
  • May allow us to save a dislodged tooth or preserve your existing tooth structure

I have been a patient for over 10+ years. Excellent staff all around. Prompt attention. I had a recent dental emergency and they have been more than accommodating. I highly recommend Dental Arts of Rockland!

A.D. Google

Always 5 star service from everyone here. Todays thanks are for Meghan and Dr Gellis for coming in for my dental emergency. Dr Gellis was extremely gentle and gave me Novocain before he even touched my tooth. Didn’t even feel the needle. There’s a reason me and my family have been patients here for over 12 years. Thank you again for today 💞 💞

L.L. Google


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When you or your family need urgent dental attention, Dental Arts of Rockland is happy to help. Our caring team works quickly to soothe tooth pain, address damage, and take the worry out of emergency care. For prompt, professional emergency dentistry solutions, connect with our Orangeburg, NY team without delay.

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